Discovery Phase Projects
Right to Succeed is committed to developing, piloting, and sustaining and growing collaborative solutions that meet the needs of children and young people.
In a Discovery phase we work with a local area to determine whether the conditions are in place whereby our programmes could be effective. The outcome of a Discovery phase is to provide both the local area and Right to Succeed with the information to decide that the conditions have been met and so whether a programme such as ours could be successfully delivered.
Over a period of nine months, we carry out rigorous desktop data analysis and research into the local culture and population. We invest in building relationships with key stakeholders and working with them to understand an area’s readiness and capacity for our approach and sustainable place-based change.
Any Discovery project looks to ensure the conditions required to succeed are in place before any delivery project starts. Our conditions are based on evidence from reviews of collective impact approaches internationally, which we have reviewed against our learning our own work in the UK over the past five years: