Blackpool Pathways for All NEET Impact
Interim progress in Year 3
The Pathways for All programme provides advice and support for vulnerable young people when moving between schools and colleges and into further education or training, to ensure that they are offered the best possible level of support at this critical transition point.
This report outlines the key activity and covers the impact made so far in Year 3, covering the period of April 2021 – March 2022.
April 2021 – March 2022 in numbers
Over this year we have received significant support in the form of advice, financial support, pro-bono office support and technical expertise from a range of individuals and organisations for which we are sincerely grateful. These supporters include:
Core Funders
Allan and Gill Gray Philanthropy, Esmée Fairbairn Foundation, Garfield Weston Foundation, The Linbury Trust, Montpelier Foundation, Peter Cundill Foundation, Swire Charitable Trust and Treebeard Trust
Public Sector
Blackpool Opportunity Area