About us

What we do

We support communities in areas of high deprivation to work collectively to give children and young people the best start in life. We do this because we believe every child deserves the right to succeed, no matter where they live.

Our mission

We work collectively to strengthen communities and systems that enable children and young people to succeed.

How we work

We bring together residents, professionals and decision-makers to co-design a programme that is bespoke to the needs of the local community.

Our People

We value our people above all else and work hard to attract the best talent by making Right to Succeed a great place to work.

Our Journey

Founded in 2015, read about our journey since then and our initial pilot projects in Blackpool.

Our strategic priorities

We have set three strategic priorities for the next three years, which will help us work towards our vision of strong communities, where every child is supported to succeed.

Our impact

We want you to know how your work and support is making a difference to children living in poverty across the UK.


We support communities in areas of high deprivation to work collectively improve the future for young people.

Our offices


Colony Cowork
5 Piccadilly Place
Manchester, M1 3BR


Avenue HQ,
17 Mann Island,
L3 1BP

Right to Succeed Logo

“Right to Succeed’s research-informed approach is made sustainable through their commitment to harness the power of the collective.”

Sir Harvey McGrath, British business and philanthropy Executive and Right to Succeed funder

Right to Succeed

Sir Harvey McGrath, British business and philanthropy Executive and Right to Succeed funder

Right to Succeed Logo
“Right to Succeed’s research-informed approach is made sustainable through their commitment to harness the power of the collective.”
Right to Succeed Logo

"They have challenged our thinking, provided tools to help us improve our outcomes for young people and remained consistent throughout the process to date."

Head SLT Ed Diversity

Right to Succeed

Head SLT Ed Diversity

Right to Succeed Logo
"They have challenged our thinking, provided tools to help us improve our outcomes for young people and remained consistent throughout the process to date."
Right to Succeed Logo

"It shows me that the work that you are doing is enormously important. You are acting as filters, brokers, and relationship-builders. You are nudging, monitoring and linking the work in the region. You are generating momentum, funding, and enthusiasm."

David Weston CEO at Teacher Development Trust

Right to Succeed

David Weston CEO at Teacher Development Trust

Right to Succeed Logo
"It shows me that the work that you are doing is enormously important. You are acting as filters, brokers, and relationship-builders. You are nudging, monitoring and linking the work in the region. You are generating momentum, funding, and enthusiasm."
Right to Succeed Logo

"After 30 years in this profession and eight years as a Head Teacher I can honestly say that I have never before worked with such professional people who have been able to challenge my thinking and inspire my practice"

Wendy Casson, Headteacher, Educational Diversity Pupil Referral Unit, Blackpool

Right to Succeed

Wendy Casson, Headteacher, Educational Diversity Pupil Referral Unit, Blackpool

Right to Succeed Logo
"After 30 years in this profession and eight years as a Head Teacher I can honestly say that I have never before worked with such professional people who have been able to challenge my thinking and inspire my practice"
Right to Succeed

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