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The Pathways for All Evaluation Report

As the therapy group members listen, the teen boy shares his life experiences.

The Pathways for All evaluation report contains five specific recommendations for the programme and below, we’ve outlined how we’ve responded to the recommendations and our plans for the future.

The recommendations

1. Review effectiveness of Pathways for All delivery structure utilising Educational Diversity staff for mainstream schools


To date, we have:

Moving forward, we will:

2. Build on existing data recording and analysis used by ensuring activity recorded by engagement coaches complies with data management standards


To date, we have:

Moving forward, we will:

3. Strengthen the link between the Pathways for All project and any statutory transition processes at school where appropriate

To date, we have:

Moving forward, we will:

4. Consider the potential benefits of peer-to-peer support activities


To date, we have:

Moving forward, we will:

*Due to the highly vulnerable nature of the cohort, some of the young people may not be willing or feel that they are able to engage with peer-to-peer support.

5. Conduct further analysis examining whether or not the young people receiving the highest number of Engagement Coach sessions also improved most in terms of reducing their risk of NEET


Due to the nature of the Risk of NEET indicators (RONI) assessment, we would not expect to see risk of NEET reduce in some of the categories as a direct impact of the project.  This is because a number of the  factors (e.g. SEN needs, exclusion (where this has already occurred), home instability etc) are likely to be ongoing challenges that require longer term multi-agency support

Moving forward, we will:



Pathways for All has made, and will continue to make, a concerted effort to respond to the recommendations provided by evaluators at Edge Hill University and we will continue to work on our future development targets to further improve the project’s future sustainability.

It is important to recognise that projects targeted at NEET prevention, such as Pathways for All, are all subjected to system level challenges, such as coherent national and local data sharing systems and agreements, in relation to post-16 transition. 

We are passionate about overcoming those systemic challenges via the strong partnership approach in Blackpool and by working collectively with both the project and town-wide Employment and Skills strategy groups.

Victoria O’Farrell, headteacher at Educational Diversity (pupil referral unit), Blackpool , said:

“Pathways for All provides vital support to young people who might otherwise fall out of education or training altogether. Through collaborating with local schools to identify children at risk of becoming NEET, the engagement coaches can work proactively to make sure vulnerable young people are supported to fulfil their potential.”

Read the Executive Summary here

Read the full report here

Thank you to Porticus and The Dulverton Trust for their generous support of this work, as part of the IntegratED programme, and to all our core funders, without whom none of this work would be possible.

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